Chosen Thesis for ARG 1: Many of the dominant social practices in our society - practices that define a "normal" life - on further investigation turn out to involve nightmares and industrial atrocities.
Supporting Claim #1: The industrial food industry does not clarify the ingredients of its foods to its consumers despite dangerous abnormalities that lie in the foods.
Evidence 1: Lighter Fluid in Chicken Nuggets / TBHT
Evidence 1.2: Cargill's dishonest labels
Evidence 1.3: No Changes in Statistics of Food Borne-Illnesses in Ground Beef: Views from the Industry
Evidence 1.4: Federal School Lunch Program uses more than 5.5 million pounds of ground beef, some contaminated with E. Coli and salmonella pathogens but agriculture department doesn't ban its sales to consumers
Supporting Claim #2: Industrial Food Corporations like Tyson and Cargill have continuously sold to their consumers, contaminated food, resulting in the advent of several food illnesses like E Coli. and Salmonella. Our nation's food safety system has overlooked flaws in the foods that have been approved
Evidence 2: Jack In the Box: Virulent Strain of E. Coli kills four children. (Story of Stephanie Smith)
Evidence 2.1: Egg Recall
Evidence 2.2: E Coli. Fight
WORKS CITED PAGE / LINKS (listed respectively from 1 - 2.2)
1 Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan (Page 114)
1.2 NYT Article
1.3 NYT Article
1.4 NYT Article
2 NYT Article
2.1 NYT Article
2.2 NYT Article
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