Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HW 56 - Culminating Project Comments

For Martyna, LINK TO POST
You present to us the seven stages of grief. You make it clear that these stages are important if a person if to move on from mourning and perhaps let go of their emotional turmoil. I'm glad that you chose to do your project on thr stages if grief because in this unit we didn't focus much on it. I've never grieved yet. Reading your post makes me realize that it's easy to put the steps and guidelines to follow in order to control our hurt and guilt but, it's probably much harder to follow through on these steps easily. Yout visual is truly beautiful. It really contrasts with the idea of death because usually we associate death with dark colors, not so much warm colors. One thing you should've done was cite your sources that listed the different steps. It would've been interesting to read more in depth. Also, instead of just writing out the steps, try to analyze them more. Nonetheless, great work!

I really appreciate the amount of effort you put into your project. I admire your ability to think of excellent goals and execute them well. I think that it is incredibly daring of you to have made a mini casket. If I were you, I probably would've been terrified in fear that I'd have to do the same for my family members one day. Your research exhibits your extreme dedication to making care of the dead as much of a personal experience as possible. I realize that you may be correct when you say that using a homemade coffin is much more rewarding because the hard work pays off. And certainly, the effort put into making the casket was mixed with feelings of love and loss. This experience of making a casket should be a part of grieving now that I've read your process.

Your writing, although a narrative, seemed very formal. When i say formal, I mean to say that I just found you describing what you did - the steps. I know your very capable of writing beautifully and I wish you had prioritized that more in this piece of writing. Also, you could have talked about what your family members thought about your making of the casket. I wanted to know more - ie why do you think your sister wouldn't take you seriously if you told her you were making a casket for her fish?

Your work was engaging. I've even asked my parents what they think of maybe making their coffins and caskets one day. Your work is always a pleasure to read.
From Erica (PROTEGE),
In your project you made it clear that the main idea you were trying to convey was the fact that funeral homes try and make death a complaisant affair rather than an arduous one. I enjoyed your humorous depiction of a faceless funeral director putting a price on emotional objects that are actually inestimable. I also liked your portrayal of the funeral director as someone that is faceless. To me, that connotes emotionless and carefree. To him (or her) the passing of his client's loved one is just another business deal; not a sentimental crisis that can change a family forever.

I think your most powerful line is: "We dictate our emotions in order to prepare ourselves for our turn in the casket, in the urn, on the grass at a park, or in a reef ball in the ocean." You take into retrospect that when it comes down to it, everyone has to die, whether it be today or 100 years from now. I believe that we are afraid of death because it is something we can foresee, but cannot prevent. Hence the reason "we dictate our emotions" to prepare ourselves for the inevitable.

The evidence you provided to support your claims that the funeral home industry sells more than material items seems reputable but you do not provide proof that it actually is legitimate. If I were you, I would explain who Jokinen is and what are his credentials are, because being someone who is not well-read on the Care of the Dead, I did not know who he (or maybe she) is. Overall, I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your amazing painting. I wish you had asked me to read and comment on your blogs earlier so I could have learned more about all the interesting topics you're learning at SoF.

From Stephanie (MENTOR),
1) I think you executed the main idea pretty well. I like how you use strings to connect life, death and after life. I like that you use a light blue background because it connects with one of your ideas; the idea life after death is meaningful and your idea that, "by having convictions of forever, we can control both life and death."
2) I think your most powerful line is " the funeral home industry has sugarcoated death and decomposing dead body with pink and purple chemicals to restore life into the dead." I think this is a powerful statement because you point out that death can be seen in a positive light. I like how you said pink and purple chemicals which could be interpreted in different ways. One way it can be interpreted is that the funeral home industry brings color to life of the dead. The color could represent the significance of afterlife.
3) I think your painting conveyed this idea well by using different colors like pink and purple which you mentioned and the use of strings to convey connection between life and death. I'm not sure why you put dollar values on memories,and heart sign with rest in peace. You could maybe explain why you put dollar values.

From Casey,
I thought this project visually touched upon a very important idea: the funeral industry sells objects that are rather falsely advertised as givers of closure and a memory picture. I thought your art was beautiful albeit appropriately morbid, and I liked that the man standing in the picture was headless. I felt that this was an indication of the lack of original, genuine humanity and emotion in the funeral industry. I also enjoyed that you used rope to enclose the various ideas attached to the products, because it made me think of funeral businesses attempting to lasso the circumstances and emotional state of their customers to gain a profit.

From Eloise,
In your project you tried to convey that funeral homes not only sell materialistic items but a sense of reassurance to the customer. Whether you are for or against is not really stated just how the customers use the outlandish items they buy to comfort them selves with the idea of losing a loved one.

I really loved your artwork as it is beautiful, powerful, and the colors look really amazing, I like the texture, and how you connected the words with string (especially the string you used it added a nice touch contrasted well with the blue) I loved how un personal the vendor seems because we dont see his head ! I also think that your writing was very concise and powerful !OVER ALL AMAZING JOB BIANCA !

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